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Congratulations! We are glad to see you on this page!
My name is Yulia and I am the founder of Taker | Maker. It is an online platform for content creators who create photos, videos, text and design for social media, blogs and websites. I help small and medium-sized businesses form project teams and create effective online content faster and cheaper than agencies and production companies.
Our clients are entrepreneurs, marketers and PR specialists, smm managers and content managers. They work for technology companies, fashion and beauty brands, grocery retail, business consultants and national manufacturers.
Please fill out this form. All the fields in it are mandatory, but it will not take you more than 3 minutes. At this stage, we need only the main thing from you.
Next, all applications undergo a virtual creative selection by our curators, content, media and marketing experts. They will carefully study your works on the sites and social networks that you indicate in this form. Our criteria: a strong portfolio, real customers and a unique superpower.

Currently, you can place a portfolio in five categories:

PHOTO : photographers, retouchers.
VIDEO : videographers, directors, operators, editors, screenwriters, stop-motion animators, motion designers, 2d-animators, 3d-graphics.
TEXT : copywriters, writers, editors, journalists, SMM managers and content managers.
DESIGN : graphic designers, web designers, art directors, illustrators and collage artists.
PRODUCTION : producers, project managers.
If your profession is not on the list, just write to us at and we will come up with something! 

Learn more about Taker | Maker can be found in the section ABOUT THE PROJECT .

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